Besides international Symposia, the national groups of the AIDP allow young academics and practitioners in the field of criminal justice to be involved at a more local level, regional or national. So get in touch with your national groups and the Young Penalists representatives in the national groups.

In case there is no national group in your country so far, please get into contact with the Regional Points of Contact - and maybe you can join forces with others in your country to found a new national group.

Early-Career Scholars Panel at the XII Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems - Bologna, 17 May 2023

“Bias in Criminal Justice”


VI Seminar of the Brazilian Young Penalists - 8-9 April 2021

“Dados, novas tecnologias e justiça criminal: repercussões penais, processuais, criminológicas e politico criminais”

Flyer and call for papers

Young Penalists online seminar - 11 December 2020

“The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the rights of accused and detained persons”


VIII Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Siracusa, 22-24 October 2020

“I nuovi volti del sistema penale tra cooperazione pubblico-privato e meccanismi di integrazione tra hard law e soft law”


I Seminar of the Spanish Young Penalists together with the Portuguese Young Penalists - Cadiz, 16-17 July 2020

“Criminal policy and criminal law: the proposals of a new generation”

Programme and call for papers

V Seminar of the Brazilian Young Penalists together with the Argentinian Young Penalists - Buenos Aires, 5-6 August 2019

“Alternativas al sistema de justicia criminal latinoamericano: sociedad, economia y ciencia”


VII Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Milan, 19 January 2019

“La responsabilità penale in ambito sanitario”


IV Seminar of the Brazilian Young Penalists - Belo Horizonte, 10 October 2018

Direito penale economico nas ciências criminais: programa de compliance como paradigma?”


VI Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Bologna, 19 January 2018

“La dimensione attuale della separazione dei poteri in materia penale”


III Seminar of the Brazilian Young Penalists - Ribeirão Preto, 6 November 2017

Corrupção, direitos humanos e empresa”


V Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Florence, 2 December 2016

“Il nuovo diritto penale ambientale”


II Seminar of the Brazilian Young Penalists - Ribeirão Preto, 19 August 2016

O lugar da vitima no sistema de justiça penal colaborativa”


IV Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Rome, 20 November 2015

“Ricchezza illecita ed evasione fiscale”


I Seminar of the Brazilian Young Penalists - Rio de Janeiro, 28-29 May 2015

Modernas técnicas de investigação e justiça penal colaborativa”


III Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Prato, 11 November 2011

“Immigrazione illegale e diritto penale: un approccio interdisciplinare”


II Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Como, 21 e 22 May 2010

“Nuove tendenze della giustizia penale di fronte alla criminalità informatica.Aspetti sostanziali e processuali”


I Seminar of the Italian Young Penalists - Rome, 20 April 2009

“Responsabilità penale individuale e responsabilità degli enti negli infortuni sul lavoro”
